by Mauro Lamanna, Juan Pablo Aguillera Justiniano
with Martina Badiluzzi, Mauro Lamanna, Gianmarco Saurino
direction Mauro Lamanna, Juan Pablo Aguillera Justiniano
sound design Samuele Cestola
production and general organization Pietro Monteverdi
produced by Oscenica
with the support of Primavera dei Teatri, Scena Verticale, Sardegna Teatro, Beyondthesud, R-Evolution project – network, programma “Boarding Pass Plus” MIC, Greek Art Theatre Karolos Koun, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Atene, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Barcellona, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura: INAE – Istituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas
powered by Silent Emotion
Real Heroes tells the stories of two fathers forced to separate from their children out of love, duty and above all resistance. The performance is itinerant and immersive, thanks to the use of technologies such as audio 360 and virtual reality, and aims to recount some events of strong social impact, which belong to contemporary Italian and Chilean history.
October 8th 2021, 3pm
May 8th 2022, 5pm
May 8th 2022, 8pm
Full ticket 12€
Quartiere Sanità
R-Evolution Project 2021 |