Presentation of the projects

The Neapolitan residency of R-Evolution Project comes to an end. The work continues in Athens, Catania and Reggio Calabria.

With the presentation of the projects by the six groups of artists, the R-Evolution Project residency in Naples concluded. The original works created by the 25 artists start from the common concept of “Revolution” and then develop in different directions, telling stories set in revolutionary eras or searching for it in themes ranging from the celebration of love, to the fight against toxic masculinity, to the resignation syndrome. Works that use different means, spaces and languages, always making that encounter of cultures and poetics at the base of the R-Ev project their own.

Each group will then develop its work in a different location, provided by the project partners, followed by their tutor of reference:

  • Yara Asmar (Lebanon), Miryam Chilà (Italy), Emiliano Dionisi (Argentina), Carlo Galiero (Italy) and Carlo Geltrude (Italy) will work with Dario De Luca in Athens, in a residency scheduled from October 9th to 16th and organised by Theatro Technis Karolos Koun.
  • Nadia Addis (Italy), Patricio Ruiz (Argentina), Leonardo Tomasi (Italy) and Lyto Triantafyllidou (Greece) will work with Mario Gelardi in Catania, in a residency scheduled from October 9th to 16th and organised by Teatro della Città.
  • Bruna Bonanno (Italy), Tiago Filipe (Portugal), Felipe Ipar (Uruguay) and Matthieu Pastore (Italy) will work with Teresa Timpano in Reggio Calabria, in a residency scheduled from October 9th to 16th and organized by SCENA NUDA Compagnia Teatrale.

R-Evolution Project 2021 | info@revolutionproject.eu

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