Holograms, cards and memes: with “The Virgin Walk” we play and reflect on the discovery of sexuality.
From From February 23rd to March 3rd the Centro Cultural Recoleta hosted the group of Marcos Krivocapich (Argentina), Giorgia Lolli (Italy) and Chiara Virgilio (Italy), who arrived in Buenos Aires ready to discover its history and its cultural offer – of which the FIBA festival taking place every year serves as a showcase – and deepen the development of their project under the guidance of tutor Cyrine Gannoun.
The result of a study of sexual politics, enriched by discussions with experts in the field and targeted surveys, The Virgin Walk is proposed as an immersive and participatory performance inspired by role-playing and board games, in which the young spectators (14+) are accompanied by a special narrator, namely the Spectrum of sexuality, through a path full of challenges, chances and decisions that will determine the development of their characters.

R-Evolution Project 2023 | info@revolutionproject.eu